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A little win for Dunedoo farmer after devastating fire

It was a bright and sunny Monday morning in Dunedoo when local framer Sterling Ferguson took delivery of his prize. Holding back emotion, still raw from the Sir Ivan Fire that devastated properties and homes in the Dunedoo region in February 2017.

Whites Rural and Delta Agribusiness joined forces to giveaway an 8x5 tandem trailer loaded with 200 Whites Rural stock posts and tie down straps, valued at just over $5,000. Customers simply had to spend $500 on Whites Rural products to go in the draw. This promotion was run across a number of the 25 Delta Ag branch locations with Dunedoo client Sterling Ferguson the lucky winner.

Sterling and his family fought bravely to keep their home during the devastating Sir Ivan fire however 90% of their 1,200 ha property was completely burnt out. In total the fire claimed 55,000ha including 32 Homes, damaged another 8, a church, community hall and 114 out buildings.

When Sullivans (A Delta Agribusiness Company) manager Sandy Cox was notified about Sterling’s win, he knew it was going to be a joyful phone call to make. “Sterling was extremely appreciative over the phone and somewhat stuck for words” – sandy said.

Whites Group Reginal Sales Manager Jessica Peck and Territory Sales Manager Charlie Radburn made the journey from Tamworth to congratulate Sterling in person. “It’s fantastic to be part of this promotion, and what’s more to see this prize go to a grower who has had some very tough times with the recent fire, it’s a great feeling” – Charlie said. Jessica who had flown from Brisbane that morning enforced how important it is for communities to work together in tough times and she is ecstatic that the Whites Group and Delta Ag were able to work together for this promotion.

Sterling held back his tears as he talked about the fire and the major effect it has had on the farming community, “I still get chocked up talking about the fire… but anyway, I’m ecstatic to be the winner of this fantastic price, thank you to Whites Rural and Delta Ag, I can’t talk long because I have a Blaze Aid crew on my property right now who are waiting to put these post in” – Sterling said.

As Sterling drove off into the distance, racing back to install his new posts with his new trailer, it’s easy to see the Aussie spirt and the spirt of the land is still strong, even when tough times come knocking – Congratulations to the Ferguson family.

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