Digital Disruption an opportunity farmers should embrace

Delta Agribusiness is encouraging producers to embrace the opportunities emerging from the ‘digital disruption’ phenomenon hitting Australian agriculture.
“Currently, the real change is seeing software platforms and applications integrating the digital information they collect. Delta Agribusiness’ on farm technology is a primary example of how an integrated system, that’s already in the market, can inform farmers in their decision making process and deliver results,” said Mick Keogh, Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute.
Presenting at the Australian Farm Institute’s Digital Disruption in Agriculture Conference, Delta Agribusiness Director, Tim Condon explained how innovative digital technologies are disrupting the traditional way of doing business on the farm – and why this is such a positive for Australian producers.
“After years of productivity gains plateauing, we are facing a new age in Australian agriculture where innovations in digital technology are giving our farmers the ‘productivity’ edge to get ahead,” Mr Condon said.
Using this technology, producers are able to operate their farm businesses in a manner where risk can be better managed, efficiencies optimised and productivity and profitability maximised.
In the last year, Delta Ag has announced two significant data based products designed to inform a farmer’s decision making process.
The DAWWN weather station and dryland specific soil moisture probe technology offers farmers accurate, highly localised weather data combined with real time soil moisture information which enables radically enhanced in-season decision making and assists overall risk management. The Farmers Edge® precision agriculture platform packages the hardware, software, servicing and advice to deliver solutions that add real value to the bottom line of farming operations.
Both products can be used independently or integrated on the one Delta Agribusiness platform which the company intends on expanding with additional technology products in the future.
“Improved management of risk, enhanced on farm efficiencies and greater predictability of inputs and outputs, also means increased certainty for other aspects of farming, such as insurance, accounting and investment.
“We need to support our farmers in the uptake of these technologies, as the benefits reach well beyond the immediate productivity gains our farmers will experience,” said Mr Condon.