Delta Ag delivers lifesaving ‘heart starter’ machines to its local branch communities

Delta Agribusiness is equipping all its New South Wales branches with Automated External Defibrillator (AED) machines – ‘heart starters’ - for the benefit of its branch staff and the 25 local communities they operate in.
AEDs are used in the immediate moments of a person suffering a heart attack and can dramatically increase survival rates by as much as 70% if used in the first 3-5 minutes.
“The most important message we want to convey is that the communities Delta Ag operates in know we have this life saving technology, that it is close at hand and ready to be used in the event of a heart attack emergency,” said Gerard Hines, Delta Ag Managing Director.
According to the Australian Heart Foundation, heart disease remains a significantly greater risk for those living outside capital cities with one in four people living in regional and rural areas suffering from the disease compared to one in five in metropolitan areas.
“Delta Ag has made this considerable investment because many of the communities we operate in, such as Burren Junction, Caragabel, Nevertire and Yerong Creek are quite remote and have no current access to this type of life saving technology,” said Dave Dugan, Trangie Branch Manager and driver of the ‘heart starter’ initiative.
“We wanted to fill the gap and provide our branch staff and their local communities with better protection against the sudden onset of a heart attack, that is quickly and easily accessible.”
AED’s are designed to be easily used by people with little or no medical experience.
“Over the next quarter we will be distributing AED machines across our 25 branches, starting with our most remote locations. All our staff will receive training in how to use the machines,” said Gerard Hines.
Delta Ag branches will be informing local Councils and services as the AED’s are delivered into their communities.
An AED sign will also be posted outside every Delta Ag branch office to indicate the machine is available and trained staff are on site.
For more information on where the AED’s are located at Delta Ag branch locations go to: