Delta Ag are industry seed specialists and are highly committed participants in the Certified and Registered Seed Industry.
Quality seed are correct variety selection is paramount in each regional location to ensure growers maximize production and returns. The Delta Ag seed business operated in very close unison with the Agronomy and Farm Advisory functions of our business, and the long term and new product trials that are conducted by the group.
Delta Ag provides the following services to its clients:
A full range of all main pastures at each branch, combined with modern and efficient mixing facilities, to tailor each mix to suit your individual paddocks. Delta Ag stock Luceme's, Clovers, Medics, Grasss, Fescues, and all specialty lines as requested, and only stock quality certified seed. Inoculation and coating is provided on all seeds that require it, and custom blends are easily and professionally mixed on order or as demand requires.
Delta Ag provides a full range of Canola cereal and pulse seeds for sale, including PBR, Proprietary and Public varieties.
Delta Ag are highly committed to conducting professional replicated and independent variety trials each year, with all trial plots focused on existing and new breeding lines that are coming through to suit geographic variances in our branch network. Annual field days are held around the regions each year to analyze results, and a comprehensive and professional Seed variety guide is produced by Delta Ag for distribution to key clients.
Clients can rely on Delta Ag to access reasonable quantities each year of new key varieties to allow them to sow a block out for future seed production.
For further information, please contact your local Delta Ag branch.